Friday, March 16, 2012

Diamond Jewelry Certificate - Why It Matters

The International Gemological Institute or IGI is an example of an organization in authority that can declare a piece of diamond jewelry authentic. IGI, as described in Wikipedia, is "a diamond, colored stone and jewelry certification organization". Since most ordinary folks with untrained eyes won't be able to tell the difference between an authentic diamond and a fake one, IGI empowers these buyers or end consumers by requiring a piece of paper before declaring a diamond authentic. Buyers can simply ask for a legitimate certificate from organizations such as IGI to ensure that what they're being sold is indeed the real deal. It is pretty much like asking for a deed of sale on a house or car, or asking for a license from a doctor before availing of their services.

Moreover, certificates are important for insurance purposes. By issuing accurate descriptions of the jewelry, the replacement of any lost, stolen, or damaged jewelry can easily be made. Appraisals are also made possible through certificates. The value of the piece of diamond jewelry can be included in a report so that industry experts and buyers alike can keep track of the retail prices.

What's great about having a third party and independent organization like IGI to issue a diamond's certificate of authenticity is for buyers to know very well that the reports are based from scientific analyses and not in any way biased. The IGI certificate ensures that diamond jewelry purchasers have tangible documents that attest to the authenticity and quality of the jewelry. Thus, if buyers are presented with a number of prospective jewelry, they have the proper documents to serve as points of comparison.

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For thousands of years, people have been drawn to diamonds. Their rarity and the prestige they exude have made them symbols of power and status. Diamonds have become one of the most sought after gemstones, which is why most jewelers and consumers alike are fascinated with them. Indeed, owning a piece of diamond jewelry means possessing something that can be worth thousands of dollars. Or is it? Sure you have the money to buy a piece of diamond jewelry, but are you a hundred percent sure that what you're buying is indeed authentic and that you're not in any risk of spending a great deal of money just for a phony?

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Lastly, identification of a piece of diamond jewelry is made possible through certificates. For whatever purpose it may serve, be it for legal or insurance purposes, the authenticity and properties of any piece of authentic diamond jewelry can be summed up in just one certificate or ID.

This is where the diamond jewelry certificate becomes highly important. As an assurance that you are indeed getting what you're paying for, expert organizations in authority issue certificates as a means of attesting that what you're being sold or what you have purchased is indeed genuine diamond jewelry. Moreover, the certificate sums up the properties of the diamond jewelry you have bought, including the Four Cs - carat, cut, color, and clarity.

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