Friday, December 23, 2011

Cartier Love Ring Will Make Your Date More Successful

By Xu Ying on January 18, 2011

When you first have a date with your lover, you should really pay attention to the tiny things and be careful to your behavior. This is very important.

As we all know that details determine the success. Cartier Love Ring will help you to make your date be more successful.

1, Dress too casually or too exaggerated

No one wanted to see the other part wearing jeans decadent (especially a piece which is not wash for a few weeks), and dry and wrinkled T shirt wrinkled to have a date. Suitable dress neatly is the basic of respecting the other one, if you attend the first date wear too casual without modification that is equivalent to telling them you do not care the date. I think this is not your meaning.

So that day try to make yourself more beautiful. Then a beautiful decoration is necessary. I recommend you to wear Cartier Love Ring.

2, Late, try to find excuse without explanation.

There is a situation which can make people become angry,cartier love ring rose gold price, that is, not apologize for her or his late, but pulled a bunch of excuses. So when you have a date you should be arrived 5 minutes earlier than the appointed time,cartier love, you can make yourself a break, by the way, tidy your appearance without no hurry.

3, Talk too much things about yourself

Dating is to create an chance to make two people interact with each other through cha, but if the entire process which you talk for a long time without stop, it must make the other one be boring with you. Thought you might want to leave a good impression to him or her, the other one only think that you are impolite. So this is not a good way.

4, Inquire privacy

Who would want a first date to have "background checks"? The paid, deposits, real estate and other private financial situation is a personal privacy. In addition, the individual's health status and family status, women's age, weight are also is not allowed to be asked. There are many other things you can ask each other, such as interest, working conditions, the usual recreational activities, why should you ask the forbidden questions at the first meeting?

5, The cash is not enough

Although one credit card can help you pay your bill all over the world, you still have to run into the situation to pay out cash. In order to avoid a situation which you might haven't got enough cash and have to ask for the other one. I think that is so embarrassing. So you should prepare some cash before you go to a date.

6, Too eager to develop your relationship

Although the "love at first sight" is indeed such a thing which could happen, only see the other one for a time then want to "hold" him or her, that is not a reality. What's worse, you may lose the possibility of further your relationship.

If you want to make your date successful that day, you should be careful and leave him or her a good impression. That Cartier Love Ring is a necessity. You can have a try.

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