Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Teaching You Gorgeous Autumn Assembly

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Though low-key woman, internal desires to bloom and moving; and dull season, backward dark tonal Chan are accustom because dismal bright desires. The new 15 min T stage, red, blue, gold, color 4 color accessories are many big-name designers of mainstream, and have a keen sense of smell, you naturally tin not let those bright eyes accessories into your nation of autumn of mystery weapons regardless of the traditional conservative mingle of autumn color costume, alternatively world echoes the most saturated colors IN costume, colorful neon accessories will assist you to use the color exhibit of asian form.

During autumn and winter of this year, bright colors of clothing are designer's prefer, but a good applying similar to red and blue such complementary colors, often distinguish between fashion and penniless human. Because the case relative to garments accessories district is restricted, so skillfully they manner a small district of the collision, for the entire match.

1. In the carton to lest using too many red red, great areas appear vulgar lightly. Wearing Red accessories and wearing red clothe is not a cafeteria hostess is married bride.

1. this fall, T Man Style remained buoyant, JP, loading, loading or handsome, while you choose a independent charge intruders, Golden accessories has become your chosen for collocation, because gold is quite neutral in color, and have exaggerated design gold accessories can make color and style of a Man on a relatively stiff Style Look more individuality and highlights.

Tips of Safely Collocationg

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3. If your complexion Dim Chen, color job neither precise, recommendations do not attempt to match with ruddy accessories pink, blue, Brown and additional clothes, it namely simple to fail. In General, the Red sunshine and saturation itself is relatively muscular, whether the brightness,The Brand Story, saturation strong cool colors (blue, green) match, it ambition be some transitional color such as white.

Tips of Safely Collocationg

Color in The Color Accessories in A Woman's Heart

2. For this season's most prevailing mix mode is used to match the same color in color accessories bright clothing. No, you have made of the conviction is that the color hairpins there must be a dominant color and clothing colors are the same color or the same color.

Blue In Blue Accessories In A Woman's Heart

American Professor of Psychology by the University of Rochester * Elliot Andrew, denoted that the colors above the human, mood, behaviour or thoughts will fluctuate because of color, where the red man, fair a glimpse, all around people's emotions. In all colors, red is the most exciting, most colorful, most powerful, most emphatic colors, like red woman, there is the potential significance of narcissistic tendencies and hopes to attract the opposite sex. Of course, some women never wears a red area, but a couple of red shoes, locket, leather bags but noiselessly to their identity. Like red accessories woman day most lustful beauty, they face paintings, but there are points in notion, the vanity of a conservative for his then a self-confidence. If a young woman, often complicated "Cinderella," dreaming about the conveniences and pretty can 1 day be a taste of the Prince.

Woman who likes blue has delicate soft center, namely is the best course to understand "the flowers of the globe, a tree a tree". Like blue woman of accessories such as quiet sometimes light Lake, periodically as the climax of the Haitao mood swings, but entire are secret in their hearts, somewhat ntroverted is a silence, reasonable and pure woman, is therefore the iceberg loveliness.

Tips of Safely Collocationg

Fun brilliant colors of female as the ever-changing mood, like color, most women have a childish side, naughty and capricious. But like a female of color accessories not merely aspires to colorful life, and the appetite to enrich feelingful experience, the most intolerable are those mawkish frank man.

Gold Hidden In Gold Accessories In A Woman's Heart

2. Rock and coil in the autumn, while the impetus yet is as good as last year, but still cannot be ignored in a huge trend. As the trend of the main stained black, it's best partner than gold. Form of more abstract gold accessories can transfer the spirit of Rock this season.

Red Hiding in Red Accessories in A W oman's Heart

Loving Golden woman must have the pride of the marrow, her possessive and control, does not must await for the Prince to Cinderella slipper. Instead, maybe she would prefer be base in the proud of the frog Princess. Like gold accessories woman aspires to become the focus of all, she's not terrified of the homosexual critically, it does not encounter the characteristic of artistic taste, she knew "work your own way".

2. Because red is very talented and, therefore, ambition to put red accessories to wear into the Office most fitting and most advanced partner than white, grey or dark clothing.

Tips of Safely Collocationg

1. Color accessories with a single color, dark clothing match is the most conservative approximate, of course, the benefits are in compare to highlight their own style and design, this wiring along Dior, Chanel, Baby Phat and numerous other big-name buyers.

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